Saturday, July 27, 2024 A Miami startup idea that keeps on giving

Company name: Headquarters: Miami Concept: is a subscription service that sends its customers fresh flowers weekly, biweekly and monthly from fair-trade sustainable farms around the globe. Story: Juan Palacio’s interest in agriculture...

Brazilian startup firm Talentify seeks growth in Orlando

A digital platform for staffing and recruitment, Talentify, is growing and seeking venture capital from a new Orlando base. Talentify founder Othamar Gama Filho says he moved to Orlando to capitalize on...

Tech billionaire Jim Clark launches security company in Delray Beach

Netscape founder Jim Clark has launched CommandScape, a residential and commercial security systems company, in Delray Beach. Clark, who also founded Shutterfly and Silicon Graphics, said CommandScape “redefines” how customers manage their...

Want to fight a traffic ticket with your phone? Lawyers want to stop you

A Coral Gables tech startup launched a service that offered drivers an easy way to get their minor traffic tickets dismissed with less hassle – and no points on their record....

Legendary Silicon Valley entrepreneur launches his sixth company, but in South Florida

One of Silicon Valley’s most successful serial innovators is launching his sixth company in South Florida. Jim Clark, founder or co-founder of Silicon Graphics, Netscape, WebMD, MyCFO and Shutterfly, this week has...

Demian Bellumio announces launch of Miami-based AI startup GraphPath, acquisition of Socialmetrix

AI is redefining entire industries, and entrepreneur Demian Bellumio believes Miami can have a leading role in shaping how the entire Latin American market takes advantage of these powerful technologies to...

NetScape co-founder launches new tech venture in S. Fla.

Jim Clark, the billionaire tech entrepreneur who helped create the first ever web browser, launched a new venture in South Florida on Tuesday. The co-founder of Netscape Mosaic announced the roll-out of...

Yes, it’s safe to go into the water with this startup’s invention

But who’s going to watch the stuff? It’s a familiar question, if you are among friends at the beach who want to take a swim. One Aventura-based startup, AquaVault, has a solution...

Travel-tech company Oasis sets its sights on Asia, with new funding from Hyatt

With just 15 portfolio properties  in 2009, entrepreneur Parker Stanberry started Oasis, a curated marketplace of private homes offering upscale travel accommodations. Today, Miami-based Oasis offers 2,400 properties in 22 markets...

Strawberry industry looks to tech innovation, immigration reform to combat growing Mexican competition

The countdown has begun. Farmers and economists agree, the Florida strawberry industry has 10 years to drastically reduce production costs or the nearly $1 billion-per-year industry could see its last harvest. Faced...
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