#Miamitech by drone, see it first here (and read about Building.co, too)


What’s a geeky event these days without a drone, but Building.co took it to new heights with  a drone selfie of #Miamitech. It all happened during the co-working center’s grand opening party last week for about 350 people, and you get the first look at the video above.

Calling Building.co “a growing force in serious tech in this town,” co-founder Jose Rasco of Straat said the vision was always to be “a place where some of Miami’s most influential tech companies come together to collaborate on a daily basis.”

Current members include 500 Startups and IronHack, both running programs out of Building, Instacart, Clutch, App Theory, Panamera, Neustar (buyer of .CO), angel investor Mark Kingdon and Bonomotion, who made the video above. Its neighbors include Uber, Facebook and Twitter. Already the event space has been used or reserved by Twitter and Facebook, a Startup Weekend, Founder Institute and various meetups, including a new one for health-tech.